LP&LL Feb. ’19


January & February 2019



It’s found in John’s 4th Chapter, verses 13 & 14:

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life.”


I’m convinced on it. Students are thirsty for more. The world can only offer so much. Jesus can truly satisfy. I pray that the CCLC Classroom is a place where thirst (spiritual thirst) is truly satisfied. Please pray with us as we continue to open up the Scriptures together and quench the spiritual thirst of our students.




We are “swinging for the fences” in the classroom all the time. A great opportunity has been given to us in White County. We can teach the Bible in partnership with WCHS. We can share hope: the HOPE of Jesus. We can build trust: a TRUST that is provided through God’s Holy Spirit. We can love: a LOVE from above not of this earth. We can share an example of faith: FAITH that God is greater than all our sin, mistakes, and greater than the chaos that the world offers. We can bring joy: JOY to a heart that is desperate for good news. We have good news to share… GREAT NEWS in fact: Jesus can take care of everything. We pray that more students will tap into God’s greatest gifts through their partnership with the Catalyst Christian Learning Center. The Hope of Christ, the Trust of Christian Community, the Love of God, the Faith that Overcomes, and the Joy of Jesus: these are our gifts to share.




Our students come from a variety of backgrounds. Some have been in church all of their lives; others haven’t ever attended church regularly. Some are bold in their faith; others would say to you that they have not really ever put their faith in anything other than themselves. Some have a deep hunger to know God; others are not sure they really believe that God exist. No matter who the student is… no matter what their background, their beliefs, or their ideas… it has been my experience that all of the students that I teach tend to be very open to concept of sharing prayer requests. They express their desire for support and encouragement. They express their need for God’s intervention. Thank you CCLC advocates and friends for praying for our students. Our students are filled with potential. Many are on the verge of a miracle. Thank you for being a part of these miraculous moments throughout the semester. Thank you for your prayers.


In Christ,

Jeff Ford

Executive Director

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